A will is a foundational estate planning document that names an executor to your estate, gives instructions on how your property should be distributed, and designates a guardian for any minor children you may have.
Many individuals and couples have chosen Living Trusts as an alternative to the traditional Simple Will. These are sometimes referred to as revocable trusts. Living Trusts can have several advantages over Wills, including probate avoidance, avoiding guardianship issues, maintaining wealth for future generations, and privacy.
Our team will walk you through every step of the Trust process. We have streamlined the process so that it is quick, efficient, and easy for the client to understand.
If you are unable to manage your affairs in the future, decisions regarding your finances and health care could be made by someone who does not have your best interests at heart. A power of attorney can be used to designate a trusted individual to take care of your affairs if you become incapacitated. You should communicate your plans and desires with them to make sure the right decisions are made and carried out.
Types of Power of Attorneys
Power of Attorney for Healthcare – This power of attorney allows your agent to make health-related decisions for you. This may include things like having you admitted to or discharged from a medical facility, access to your medical records, life-saving treatment decisions. You can allow your agent to make a full range of decisions for you, or you can specify that they are only allowed to make certain decisions under certain situations.
Power of Attorney for Finances and Property – this power of attorney allows your agent the authority to handle your finances. This can include the buying or selling of real estate property, the ability to make bank transactions, the control of insurance policies or retirement accounts, and making business related decisions.